When Dr Bernard Lown, cardiologist, and the original developer of the defibrillator and the cardioverter, examined patients he always asked questions. Some of which the patients were reluctant to answer. During one examination, the patient’s wife constantly ran outside to have a smoke, and she looked restless.

Dr Lown reprimanded her, saying that she should not smoke so much, especially having a husband with heart disease.

Suddenly, the woman started to cry and said: “My smoking is nothing.  That’s not the point! John is lying to you and doesn’t say the reason why he is sick. It is because his mother is constantly cursing him, humiliating and belittling him… She always calls and mocks him. And John can’t do anything because it’s his mother!”

This conversation made a great impression on the doctor and he started observing his patients.  What he learned shocked him…

One old man had a son-in-law who trapped him into legally changing the ownership of his house, business and other possessions into the son-in- laws name.  The old man was afraid to walk in the house because the son-in-law swore that he was stomping his feet… this poor old man turned into a complete invalid.

Another patient was getting better after a serious operation until his wife called and berated him about money. The patient died.

The doctor found cases like these were many. 

Dr Lown said, “All my patients are victims of emotional conflicts with a very close person. Conflicts from which it is impossible to find a way out: it’s in the family or in a close environment and they feel trapped.”

They feel that they must answer the phone, listen to the other person, see the other person and supress their negative emotions.  They go into resentment, become passive aggressive or just shut down. These feelings are killing them.

And the famous cardiac surgeon wrote: “Yes, surgery and treatment are right for many. They do bring results. But the real cause of the illness is in the conflict between a person and their environment, and this must be corrected in order for people to truly recover”.

The conclusion Dr Lown made:  people with severe internal conflicts become sick and even die as a result of these emotional attacks.

Instead of recognising the conflict they force themselves to “forgive”, “to understand”, “to ignore”. As long as the conflict is not recognised by the person under attack, and the hostility and toxicity from the other person is not realised, the person’s disease will continue to deteriorate.

Dr Lown put down restrictions, he simply forbade patients to talk on the phone, and only relatives with whom the patient had a good relationship were allowed to visit them.

These measures helped patients to recover, and they thanked the doctor.  Dr Lown went on to get the Nobel Prize for inventing the defibrator, and developing the heart surgery techniques used today.

I believe he should be given another Nobel Prize for describing and acknowledging the real causes of illnesses – the emotional patterns in people’s life. This skill to understand the emotional patterns linked to illnesses is called Medical Intuition. The process of releasing the negative emotions from the body is called Intuitive Healing. Each organ in the body is connected to the specific emotions, so there are very specific patterns of illnesses that we develop depending on the issues we are dealing with.

 If you are interested to learn more about Intuitive Healing and Medical Intuition, then I am inviting you to look at my Intuitive Healing Practitioner course. Please call me or send an email.