by webmaster | Apr 19, 2017 | Energy Medicine, Medical Intuition
Many people asking me about what it means to have birthmarks and moles on their body. Well, birthmarks and moles do have meaning and they influence the energetics of a person. In Europe in the middle ages having a certain birthmark, people were burnt at the stake....
by webmaster | Apr 7, 2017 | Emotional Healing, Medical Intuition
Doctors-neurologists often say: “A person is his nervous system, everything else is secondary.” Common people say: “All diseases are from stress, only syphilis is from pleasure!” Of course, there are many disputes on this subject, but the...
by webmaster | Jan 12, 2017 | Emotional Healing, Medical Intuition
Intuition can seem like a controversial topic because it’s intangible—you can’t touch it or see it with the naked eye. As a result, some people either deny its existence or equate it with having a well-thought-out plan and a bit of luck. However, if we accept that...
by webmaster | Nov 16, 2016 | Medical Intuition, The Structure of Human Spirit
One Major Factor that Determines How Long You Will Live… I believe if you want to learn about health & wellness you should learn it from people who achieved it in real life, not just who speculate about it. Jeanne Louise Calment, the world’s longest lived...
by webmaster | Jul 14, 2016 | Medical Intuition
One question I have been asked by people is to explain what Medical Intuition & Intuitive Healing is all about. People have different ideas about the topic, sometimes mixing it up with other alternative healing techniques, which is not correct. So, let me...