Dr Irina’s Blog

Intuitive Healing Kit FREE

Healing vs Curing: Understanding the Difference

Healing and curing are often used interchangeably, but they are fundamentally different processes. Healing refers to...

3 Longevity Tips from a 105-Year-Old Japanese Man

Life must have meaning to be truly enjoyed. While many people have figured out how to become wealthy, few know the...

Why Healing is Always Possible?

Why Healing is Always Possible? Why can the most dangerous illnesses be healed? Here is the scientific fact: every...
Intuition is the first thought.

Intuition is the first thought.

Intuition may sound like a controversial subject. You can’t touch it or see it with the naked eye. Therefore, some people deny its existence or just believe that intuition means having a great plan combined with good luck.

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How to Increase Your Internal Power.

How to Increase Your Internal Power.

Personal Power is one of the most important things for creating good health, changing your life and healing an illness. Most people who I meet on my path as a healer ask the same question: “How can I increase my Personal Power?”
Here is the answer:

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One Major Factor that Determines How Long You Will Live…

One Major Factor that Determines How Long You Will Live…

I believe if you want to learn about health & wellness you should learn it from people who achieved it in real life, not just who speculate about it. Jeanne Louise Calment, the world’s longest lived person (who died at the age of 122) was born in Arles, France on February 21, 1875 and died on August 4, 1997.

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