(4-week Certificate Course)
1 of August (Sunday) 2021
Deep within your mind is a realm filled with powerful symbols that drive your thoughts, behaviours, and actions—often without your knowledge.
Discover this hidden world of archetypes, universal symbols responsible for who you are, how the world sees you, and what you believe about yourself.
Accredited course about the Power of Archetypes and Sacred Contracts.
4- weeks course run on Sundays from 7 pm – 9 pm
The course includes:
- Live Training on Zoom 7 pm – 9 pm on Sundays
- Educational material such as:
- Archetypal / Astrological chats, Archetypal e-classes
- Astrological Houses e-classes
- Power Points about how to create your Archetypal Wheel and discover Your Sacred Contracts.
- Certificate of Completion (Archetypal Consultant Certificate)
Created by Dr Irina Webster, accredited Mentor of the International Institute for Complementary Therapists
Dearest Spiritual Seeker!
Everyone has gotten fooled by someone; for example, when you say, “I thought I knew this person, but then he or she turned out to be a compulsive liar (Shapeshifter archetype), or an Addict or a Hustler or a Pirate (by their internal quality). Looking back, your intuition probably alerted you when you were sensing the subtle vibes from this person, but your logical mind had totally dismissed this and you just “heard” what you wanted to hear – but not the truth.
Those physical senses are difficult to compete with, especially when intuitive hits often lack hardcore evidence. Intuition, after all, is “air data”.
The truth is that our soul made sacred agreements with certain characters (or archetypes), that become leading powers in our life. These characters / archetypes dictate the way we make choices in life, attract certain people, jobs, personal interests, experience specific failures, betrayals, or become very successful in only some things, and not others.
We all have 12 primary archetypes which are intimately connect to our psyche, and according to how your life unfolds. 4 of them are survival archetypes, and we all share them. These are the Victim, Saboteur, Prostitute, and various degrees of the Child archetype, (such as the Magical /Nature /Invisible/ Orphan /Wounded /Step, etc.). We each then have a configuration of eight additional archetypes assigned to us from the cosmos that fill out our twelve. Other archetypal patterns often influence our lives along the way, but our core twelve remain with us, forming that which is “consistent” with our behavior throughout our lives.

During this 4-week course we will discover:
- 4 major archetypes that are responsible for your survival
- 8 major archetypes that are responsible for your thriving and blossoming.
- How to Balance your archetypal energies
- How to Discover Your Sacred Contracts
- How to create your own archetypal chat which is identical to your natal (Astrology chat) if created correctly.
After creating your personal Archetypal Wheel, you will be able to understand:
- This is why I made these particular choices in my life.
- This is why I married to this particular person and/or why I had to divorce this person.
- This is why I failed at this job/work or succeeded only in this particular work, not the other.
- This is why I had contracted this illness at this time of my life.
- This is why I did this and that at a particular time in my life.
- And much much more… About your life.
The learning in this course is massive. Each Archetype in your personal chart is connected to a certain Astrological House and we will match them together using an intuitive healing technique. We will learn everything in a step-by-step manner over two days, plus additional educational material which will be sent to you via email.
Price: $ 499
You will be redirected to a secure PayPal website that allows you to pay by credit card or PayPal account. PayPal is the safer way to pay because it keep your financial information private.
Payment Details
Irina Webster
ING: 70657372
BSB: 923-100
Address: Canberra ACT
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