Scientific Proof that Intuition heals the body.

Have you found yourself resonating with the new scientific evidence released by neuroscience recently, which has proven that under the right conditions, the body has the power to heal itself from even the most, ‘incurable,’ illnesses? The key words here are – ‘under the right conditions’ … What are these conditions and how do we create them?
This is what Intuitive Healing is all about…
Being a medical doctor by background, I like to find physical proof for everything. So, what is the scientific proof that healing is always possible.

1. The Spontaneous Remission Project.

You can look no further than the Spontaneous Remission Project: a database from the Institute of Noetic Sciences with over 3,500 case studies in their medical literature, of patients who recovered from seemingly, ‘incurable’ illnesses without medical treatment, or treatment that is considered inadequate to produce the disappearance of the disease, symptoms or tumours. I personally looked at this database and found everything was there: stage 4 cancers, autoimmune illnesses, severe depressions, neurological disorders, and other disabilities. Spontaneous remissions were documented in almost every so called, ‘incur able’ illness. They also described what people did and what the most common traits were of people who recovered from the, ‘incurable’ illness. The conclusion was that there is no such thing as an ‘incurable’ illness, but the body must create the right conditions to heal. This is the clue.

2. ‘The placebo effect’
The other interesting fact, ‘the placebo effect’ is a thorn in the side of the medical establishment, because the effectiveness of all drugs is tested against the ‘placebo drugs’ before medicines are released for public use.

Placebo results … We’ve known this since the 1950s, that if you give people a fake treatment—a sugar pill, a saline injection, or most effectively, fake surgery, 18-80% of the time people get better, and it’s not just in their mind but in their body and this is measurable For example, patients getting placebos were found to have ulcers that healed, colons that became less inflamed, bronchi that dilated, warts that disappeared, biopsy cells looking different under the microscope.

So, who and what was the healer in all these placebo cases? Obviously, it was not the doctors and not the treatment … You can say that the body healed itself, but it is only partially true, because if the person did not go to hospital and did not receive the fake treatment, they would still be sick. The answer I found is that Faith or deep unconditional beliefs in the treatment creates the changes in the body that make people heal.

If you are interested in learning more about Intuitive Healing and Medical Intuition, you can look at my “Intuitive Healing Practitioner 11-week course”.
In my work, I combine spirituality and science together. My Energy Healing techniques are based on the effect of Bioelectromagnetism that has been proven by science. Therefore I believe that “Healing is always possible”.