Why Healing is Always Possible?

Why Healing is Always Possible?

Why can the most dangerous illnesses be healed?
Here is the scientific fact: every seven years we have a new body of cells.

The human body continuously regenerates itself, from the cells in our skeleton to the nails on our toes.
The speed and intensity of replacement are different for every kind of human cells: some human cells replace themselves every week, some every month and some every year etc. But the most astonishing fact is that we can direct the processes of cell regeneration with the right intention, positive beliefs, and positive emotions. It means “programming of the cells”…

The process of cell regeneration happens regardless of what we do. If you do nothing with yourself, then you will get the ‘same old, same old’ body in seven years time. Most likely the body deteriorates because of the negative programming.
But what if you use positive programming instead to change your cells?

We can direct the process of change.

The most astonishing fact is that we can direct the processes of cells regeneration with the right intention, positive beliefs and positive emotions.

Your body is a perfect mirror of your mind.
When you worry, your body reveals it.
When you love, your body reflects it.
When you feel overwhelmed, your body displays it.
When you are angry, your body manifests it.
Every cell of your body is conscious of the way you feel.

Your thoughts and emotions transform your cells.

If you are interested in learning how to reprogram your body and mind, I invite you to explore my Intuitive Healing Practitioner 11-week course. In this program, we delve deeply into unique skills and techniques to transform your life.