Chakras Guide

Explore the seven types of chakras, the energy centers that influence your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. From the grounding strength of the Root Chakra to the enlightening connection of the Crown Chakra, learn how each one can help you achieve balance and harmony in your life. Start your journey to self-discovery and inner peace today!


1. Root Chakra (Tribal Power)

  • Color: Red
  • Location: Base of the spine
  • Emotions: Safety, security, survival. How Safe, Secure, Supported and Protected
  • you feel in the world in general.
  • Age of development: Birth – 5 years old
  • Effect: How grounded, stable, vibrant, and secure you feel in your life.
  • Issues/Illnesses: Fear, anxiety, insecurity, physical issues like back pain, constipation, immune system disorders, blood disorders, skin issues, bones and joints problems.
  • Healing:
    • Physical: Grounding exercises (walking barefoot on the earth), physical activities that strengthen muscles, bones, and the whole skeleton.
    • Emotional/Mental: Affirmations like “I am safe, secure, supported and protected ” and “I am grounded,” and visualizing a red light at the base of the spine.

Diet: Eating red-colored foods like tomatoes, strawberries, and protein-rich foods.


2. Sacral Chakra (Relationship & Money)

    • Color: Orange
    • Location: Lower abdomen, pelvic region.
    • Emotions: Creativity, sexuality, pleasure, emotions
    • Age of development: 6 years old – adolescents.
    • Effect: How secure I feel in supporting myself financially, how safe I feel in relationships, and how confident I feel in expressing my creativity.
    • Issues/Illnesses: Emotional instability, sexual dysfunction, addiction, lower abdominal pain, reproductive issues, sciatica
    • Healing:
      • Physical: Dancing, pelvic exercises, creative activities, physical exercises until you sweat.
      • Emotional/Mental: Journaling, engaging in creative expression, affirmations like “I embrace pleasure and abundance”

    Diet: Consuming orange-colored foods like oranges, carrots, and seeds


3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Self-Esteem & Responsibility)

  • Color: Yellow
  • Location: Upper abdomen, stomach area
  • Emotions: Confidence, personal power, self-esteem
  • Age of development: adolescence
  • Effect: How confident and positive I feel about myself while taking responsibility.
  • Issues/Illnesses: Low self-esteem, lack of control, digestive issues, chronic fatigue
  • Healing:
    • Physical: Core-strengthening exercises, sunlight exposure, physical exercises until you sweat.
    • Emotional/Mental: Positive affirmations like “I am powerful,” or “I am good enough”, “I can and I will” and also setting healthy boundaries.
    • Diet: Eating yellow-colored foods like bananas, pineapples, and grains

4. Heart Chakra (Unconditional Love)

  • Color: Green
  • Location: Center of the chest
  • Emotions: Love, compassion, forgiveness
  • Age of development: from youth throughout the rest of your life
  • Effect: How much I can forgive and let go.
  • Issues/Illnesses: Grief, hatred, jealousy, heart problems, respiratory issues, breast issues, lungs problems.
  • Healing:
    • Physical: Breathing exercises, heart-opening yoga poses, walking
    • Emotional/Mental: Practicing forgiveness, self-love, and loving-kindness meditation
    • Diet: Consuming green leafy vegetables, herbs, and green tea

5. Throat Chakra (Communication & Will)

  • Color: Blue
  • Location: Throat
  • Emotions: Communication, self-expression, truth
  • Age of development: from youth throughout the rest of your life
  • Effect: Speaking my truth without fear (with calm mind)
  • Issues/Illnesses: Fear of speaking, lying, throat problems, thyroid issues, neck pain, teeth problems.
  • Healing:
    • Physical: Singing, chanting, neck stretches
    • Emotional/Mental: Journaling, expressing your truth, affirmations like “I speak my truth with clarity”
    • Diet: Eating blue-colored foods like blueberries, and drinking herbal teas

6. Third Eye Chakra (Power of the Mind)

  • Color: Indigo
  • Location: Forehead, between the eyebrows
  • Emotions: Intuition, insight, wisdom
  • Age of development: from youth throughout the rest of your life
  • Effect: Recognizing and distinguishing between truth and illusion.
  • Issues/Illnesses: Lack of intuition, overthinking, headaches, eye problems, hearing problems, sleep disorders, brain disorders, central nervous system problems
  • Healing:
    • Physical: Meditation, visualization exercises, focusing on the space between the eyebrows
    • Emotional/Mental: Practicing mindfulness, dream journaling, affirmations like “I trust my intuition”
    • Diet: Consuming purple-colored foods like grapes, eggplant, and cacao

7. Crown Chakra (Divine Connections)

  • Color: Violet or White
  • Location: Top of the head
  • Emotions: Spirituality, connection to the divine, enlightenment
    Age of development: from youth throughout the rest of your life
  • Effect: The ability to remain present and connect with the divinity within yourself.
  • Issues/Illnesses: Disconnection from spirit, lack of purpose, depression, neurological disorders
  • Healing:
    • Physical: Meditation, spending time in nature, practicing silence
    • Emotional/Mental: Engaging in spiritual practices, visualizing a white or violet light above the head, affirmations like “I am connected to the divine”
    • Diet: Fasting, detoxifying the body, consuming light, easily digestible foods like fruits and pure water

Each chakra is a vital energy center that influences various aspects of physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Balancing these chakras can lead to overall harmony and health. You can find Chakra healing meditations at the