I believe if you want to learn about health & wellness you should learn it from people who achieved it in real life, not just who speculate about it. Jeanne Louise Calment, the world’s longest lived person (who died at the age of 122) was born in Arles, France on February 21, 1875 and died on August 4, 1997.
At 85 she learned fencing, at 100 – she was riding bike, at 114 she acted in several movies, at 115 she underwent hip surgery, and at 117 she quit smoking.
When she was 90, Jeanne, who had no heirs, signed a contract with 47-year-old lawyer Raffri. He was to inherit Jeanne’s house for the price of paying her monthly rent before her death. The cost of the house was roughly equivalent to the amount which he would have paid for 10 years. But fate had a different plan. Raffri not only paid Jeanne rent for 30 years, but he died before her, at the age of 77. The rent payments were continued by Raffri’s widow according the French law.
Jeanne’s life was studied by scientists and researchers internationally who were fascinated by her longevity and her vitality. “She never did anything special to stay in good health,” said French researcher Jean-Marie Robine. They attribute her longevity to her immunity to stress and how she processed her emotions.
She once said “If you can’t do anything about it, don’t worry about it.”
Most of her life Jeanne smoked cigarettes, drunk wine and loved chocolate. When asked about her health, Jeanne herself credited an occasional glass of Port wine and a diet rich in olive oil for her longevity. She also recommended laughter as a recipe for longevity and jokes that “God must have forgotten me.” For skin care, she recommends olive oil and a dab of make-up. “All my life I’ve put olive oil on my skin and then just a puff of powder. I could never wear mascara, I cried too often when I laughed.”
Her famous quotes about her life were:
“Always keep your smile. That’s how I explain my long life. I didn’t like mundane life.”
“I think I will die laughing. I took pleasure when I could. I acted clearly and morally and without regret. I’m very lucky. In life, people sometimes make rotten deals for themselves.”
“I’ve only got one wrinkle, and I’m sitting on it.”
What kind of conclusion we can make out of this extraordinary life?
Our emotions – how we feel about ourselves and our life – are far more important to our health and wellbeing than anything else. As Jeanne said “youth is a state of mind”. Our feelings are more important than diets and supplements, strict regiments and rules & restrictions put on us by society. You must live your life listening to your body and intuition which always tell you how to be healthy and happy.
If you are interested in learning more about Intuitive Healing and Medical Intuition to improve your health and longevity, I invite you to explore my Intuitive Healing Practitioner 11-week course. In this course, you will learn all the secrets of intuitive healing.

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