My Intuitive Journey.

“Share your story—it’s a healing experience.” Dr Irina Webster

My name is Irina. It’s a Russian variant of Irene which means ‘peace’. I love my name because for me ‘being intuitive’ means being at peace with myself, and seeing things from a peaceful point of view.

I am a healer, a medical doctor and an intuitive. For over 25 years I have been helping people heal. For the last 5 years I’ve taught intuitive healing and medical intuition. I came to do this after having several self-healing experiences when I used my own intuition to heal myself, and I even saved myself from having dangerous surgery and invasive medical treatments. I’ll tell you all about this later in the book.

Before I started teaching intuitive healing I worked as a medical doctor for 14 years, practicing Paediatrics for about 10 years in Russia (my birth country) and then working in General Practice area for about 4 years in Australia (my second homeland).

I have been intuitive for as long as I can remember. Even as a child,
I was able to sense energy around people, although at that time
I couldn’t explain what it was. I could just feel if people were kind or not, sick or healthy. I also felt how other people affected my body; I could experience physical pain in my body when in contact with certain people or absolute serenity and joy when with others.

I had visions nobody could see. I sensed energy around people and described it in colours.
“Aunt Galina always looked green like a spring leaf on a birch tree.” – This is what I noticed about my aunt who was a Pulmonologist (lung specialist) and also a great healer.

“Grandpa is so grey and brown.” This is what I noticed about my grandpa who was dying from old wounds he got during the war.

Becoming a doctor was my intuitive decision. I really wanted to learn what goes on inside my body and why I have these strange experiences regarding others and myself.

Studying at university and working as a doctor gave me a clear understanding about the anatomy, physiology and biochemistry of the human body and what happens to the body when people get sick.

Unfortunately, it didn’t give me the answers I needed about intuition, energy, or healing. For a long time I had to hide the fact that I am an intuitive who can feel people’s energy. You see, conventional medicine doesn’t recognise the fact that human energy exists and plays a crucial role in human health. Due to these reasons I found myself having an internal conflict between what I knew and what I felt.

But, fortunately, the Universe granted me several challenges that reunited me with my spirit and with the ‘subtle energy’ we all are made of.

From my Amazon best-selling book “The Secret Energy of Your Body: An Intuitive Guide to Healing, Health and Wellness.”