What is Medical Intuition & Intuitive Healing?

One question I have been asked by people is to explain what Medical Intuition & Intuitive Healing is all about. People have different ideas about the topic, sometimes mixing it up with other alternative healing techniques, which is not correct.

So, let me explain…

The topic of “Intuitive Healing and Medical Intuition” is deeply meaningful to me. It has profoundly transformed my life and empowered me to become a more whole and fulfilled individual. I am honored to share this remarkable journey with you.

Intuitive healing involves connecting with your own body using intuition. Intuition is the natural ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning. It’s not a rare gift but a skill we all possess and can cultivate.

By tuning into your intuition, you’ll discover that you often don’t need as much external help as you might think. Our intuition acts as our inner physician, guiding us towards self-awareness and healing. Your body already knows what you’re going through with this illness.

Here is a test to demonstrate that you have intuition.

Reflect on your life experiences and you’ll realize that you’ve encountered intuitions before, even if you didn’t fully recognize their significance. Consider these questions:

– Do you feel drained when you’re around certain people?
– Have you ever sensed someone staring at you?
– Have you experienced an immediate like or dislike for someone?
– Have you sensed how someone is feeling, despite their outward behavior?
– Have you felt another person’s presence before you saw or heard them?
– Do certain sounds, colors, or scents make you feel more at ease or uncomfortable?
– Do specific rooms make you want to stay or leave?
– Have you ever ignored a first impression, only to see it proven correct later?

If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of these questions, you’ve experienced intuitive insights that alerted you to the energy of others or situations. This intuitive awareness is connected to your health as well. This is called Medical intuition. It is the ability to understand what’s going on with your health intuitively. By listening to your medical intuition, you can prevent illnesses and heal much faster.
While not everyone may be immediately attuned to their medical intuition (it requires practice and skill), we all have the innate ability to sense and understand our bodies if we take the time to tune into it.

If you are interested in learning more about Intuitive Healing and Medical Intuition, I invite you to explore my Intuitive Healing Practitioner 11-week course. In this course, you will learn all the secrets of intuitive healing.