Healing and curing are often used interchangeably, but they are fundamentally different processes.
Healing refers to the internal process of releasing the fears, emotions, and energetic blockages that led to the illness in the first place. It is a deeply personal journey, one that only the individual can embark upon. Healing addresses the root causes of illness, allowing for a more lasting transformation. This is why healing is always possible—because it is an internal shift in energy and consciousness that transcends external factors.
Curing, on the other hand, involves the disappearance of symptoms through external means, such as medication, surgery, or procedures. While curing can provide temporary relief and eliminate symptoms, it does not address the underlying causes—the fears or imbalances—that created the illness. As a result, the illness may resurface later, or it may manifest in a different form, affecting another organ or area of the body.
In essence, healing is about finding balance within and clearing the emotional or energetic disturbances that created the illness. Curing, while beneficial for symptom management, does not have the same long-lasting impact because it does not address the root cause. Become an Intuitive Healing Practitioner – click here https://dririnawebster.com/courses/