Intuitive Healing Practitioner
Transform your Intuitive Body
Goals and Objectives: Energetic Anatomy of the Body / Your Intuitive Body in Action / Medical Intuition
11 Week Course
On-Line structure of the course
Weekly Zoom classes
– 90 min long. One module per week. The day and time will be confirmed.
Weekly homework
e-classes, videos and audios delivered on-line – the same as per face-to-face version. 1 module per week.
Weekly assignments
(take about 30 min per week of your time)
Last week
an open book test
Certificate Level
Diploma Level, Advanced Diploma Level and Teacher Level are only available after completing the Certificate Level
Starts on the
11th of March 2025
Fully approved, registered and accredited course in Australia and internationally. Fully accredited Healing modality. Fully insured and insurable by IICT.
On-line version of the course is only available right now. The classes are delivered via Zoom.
Your intuitive journey to heal your body, mind, and soul…
- Intuitive healing focuses on healing the Subtle Body Energy.
- There is energy that runs through your body. It enters your body at birth and leaves when we die.
- When this energy runs through your body freely – you are in a state of health. When this energy is blocked – illnesses are created.
- To heal – you need to tune into your body and restore the energy flow.
- Neuroscience confirms the body’s ability to heal itself – even from the most “incurable” illnesses – but it can happen only “under the right conditions”.
- These conditions involve healing the soul, which is pure Subtle Energy that flows through your body.
- Illnesses are energetic blockages and releasing them unlocks your body’s innate healing ability.
- The Spontaneous Remission Project ( from the Institute of Noetic Sciences ) shows over 3,500 cases of recovery from “incurable” illnesses without adequate medical treatment.
- The placebo effect demonstrates that fake treatments can lead to measurable improvements in health and recovery even from the most serious illness.
- You can create these healing conditions within yourself through Intuitive Healing and Medical Intuition.
- By connecting to the core LOVE energy within your cells and releasing doubt, fear, and stress, true healing begins.
Course content: 10 Modules
Mod 1: Discovering and sensing your body:
- Tuning into your body
- Sensing the subtle body energy
- Differentiating the energetic frequencies that come from different sources: internal vs external
- Developing Intuitive Healing routine for yourself
- Emotional healing
- Why some people don’t heal
- Overcoming self-rejection/ guilt/ hatred /shame
Mod 2: Body talk/ Body Energy:
- Understanding the Body Energy: How your body talks to you
- Learning to communicate with your body on a very intimate level
- Differentiating intuition from the voices of fear and brain chatter
- Feeling the buried emotions and releasing them from your body
- Understanding different body shapes and what they show us
- Body Weight and Emotions/ How they link
- The energetic meaning of Body Organs/ why organs become sick
Mod 3: Human Energy System / Energetic Anatomy
- Understanding human energetic anatomy
- Working with energy centres (nervous plexus) and its energy fields
- Discovering the emotional information kept in your energy field
- Left / Right sides of the body. The energetic meaning
- How different energies make the body sick (internal/ external energy)
Mod 4: Connecting to your Nervous system (Central and Peripheral nervous system)
- How to intimately connect to your nervous system
- Sensing the energy of nervous plexus (energy centres)
- Differentiating the differences in energetic frequencies of energy centres
- Understanding the Messages from the Peripheral nervous system
- Connecting to the collective consciousness using your Nervous System (Central and Peripheral).
- Understanding the differences between Central and Peripheral nervous system
- Sensing Energy through your Nervous System
Mod 5: Working with Relationship problems
- Co-dependant relationships or Victim – Vampire relationships
- Releasing the past relationship trauma
- Working with Forgiveness
- Unconditional Love vs Conditional Love
- Energy Centres of Relationship and Sexuality
- Yin and Yang Energies
- Working with Abandoned Child/ Orphan Child/ Wounded Child issues in relationships
- The Energy of healthy/ unhealthy Sexuality. The differences.
Mod 6: Self-esteem and intuition
- Discovering what energy centres (nervous plexus) are responsible for healthy self-esteem
- Intuition and self-esteem connection
- Healing self-esteem
- Manipulation, hidden agendas, need for approval
- Energy/emotional vampires
- Personal honour code
- Stamina/ resilience/ overcoming difficulties and self-esteem
- Illnesses connected to low self-esteem
Mod 7: Expressing your Creativity
- Healthy ways to express your creativity vs Unhealthy ways
- Connecting to your Past lives using meditation and hypnogogic states
- The Secret Energy of Colours
- Expressing Creativity through dance, music and sound
- Using Smell, Taste and Kinaesthetic sense to express your creativity
- Healing Music and healing frequencies
- Psychometry
- Gemstones, crystals, plant/herb’s creative energy
Mod 8: Working with Archetypes / Archetypal Wheel
- Discover 4 major archetypes that responsible for your survival
- Discover 8 major archetypes that are responsible for your thriving and blossoming
- Balancing your archetypal energies
- Discovering Your Sacred Contracts
- Turning Survival into Thriving and Blossoming
- Creating archetypal chats for yourself and for clients
Mod 9: Dreaming states, hypnagogic states, visions.
- Learning to access the energy of your dreams
- Healing dreams
- Predictive dreams
- Psychological dreams
- How to experience a healing dream
- Hypnagogic states
- Visions
Mod 10: Working with clients & The Energy of Abundance
- Learning how to do Distant Healing
- First impression / last impression
- Protecting yourself from negative energies
- Detachment and impersonal mind
- Energy centres of Money and Finances
- How to communicate with clients and co-workers intuitively
- Creating the flow of Abundance
- The energy of good luck and self-confidence
- Attracting clients while you sleep
- Working ethics
Test in the week 11 – an open book test: 85% pass mark is to be achieved.
Daily Intuitive Healing Meditations to practice during the course (morning or evening).
What else will you get during this course?
- A complete Manual to follow in a step-by-step manner how to become an Intuitive Healer.
- Weekly e-classes to help you absorb the extensive knowledge in a week by week manner (one modality per week).
- 15 educational videos where I show exactly how to do:
- How to prepare for an Energy Healing Session
- Energy cleansing on yourself
- How to Tune Into Your Body and Sense your Subtle Body Energy
- Releasing Emotions from Your Own Body
- How to Put Energy in the Body (Yourself)
- Body Scan on Yourself
- Cleaning your own chakras
- How to Cut Energy Cord on Yourself
- How Release Emotions from a Client’s Body
- How to do Body Scan on a Client
- Chakra’s cleansing on a client
- Removing an energy cord on a client
- Energy Clearing on a client
- How to Heal Using the Energy of Colours
- How to do Distant Healing
- Six Audios:
- Cellular memory release (a full process – meditation format) (1 hour)
- Body Scan with Intuitive Healing (1 hour)
- Pain Relive with Intuitive Healing (1 hour)
- Progressive Muscle Relaxation Technique with Intuitive Healing (1 hour)
- Create Perfect Health with Intuitive Healing. (1 hour)
- Overcome Stress Naturally with Intuitive Healing (1 hour)
- Protocols and charts:
- Forgiveness Protocol
- Energy Meaning of Body Organs chart.
- Energy Meaning of Symptoms, Illnesses and Conditions chart.
- How to work with the Energy of colour chart.
- Releasing emotions with the colour energy chart.
- Forgiveness Protocol
Cost $2897
Early Bird Price of $2497 (before the 1st of February).
You will be redirected to a secure PayPal website that allows you to pay by credit card or PayPal account. PayPal is the safer way to pay because it keep your financial information private.
Bank Details
Irina Webster
Acc: 308421294
BSB: 923-100