Dr Irina’s Blog

Intuitive Healing Kit FREE

Healing vs Curing: Understanding the Difference

Healing and curing are often used interchangeably, but they are fundamentally different processes. Healing refers to...

3 Longevity Tips from a 105-Year-Old Japanese Man

Life must have meaning to be truly enjoyed. While many people have figured out how to become wealthy, few know the...

Why Healing is Always Possible?

Why Healing is Always Possible? Why can the most dangerous illnesses be healed? Here is the scientific fact: every...
The Sacred Meaning of Birthmarks and Moles on Your Body.

The Sacred Meaning of Birthmarks and Moles on Your Body.

The meaning of birthmarks / moles on the body is interpreted according to their location. As a rule, they reveal information about the character of a person and their talents. Some moles can appear and disappear – this reflect changes in a person’s life. The significance of the birthmarks, which are described above, are special, and people who have them should consider their sacred meaning.

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Psychosomatics: How your Body cries Your Tears for You.

Psychosomatics: How your Body cries Your Tears for You.

Often our illness brings us a symbolic message about our life and the world we live in. Your body literary cries your tears concerning your unexpressed, trapped and buried emotions. You just need to learn to understand the language in which your body speaks through its pains, aches and symptoms.

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