Dr Irina’s Blog

Intuitive Healing Kit FREE

Healing vs Curing: Understanding the Difference

Healing and curing are often used interchangeably, but they are fundamentally different processes. Healing refers to...

3 Longevity Tips from a 105-Year-Old Japanese Man

Life must have meaning to be truly enjoyed. While many people have figured out how to become wealthy, few know the...

Why Healing is Always Possible?

Why Healing is Always Possible? Why can the most dangerous illnesses be healed? Here is the scientific fact: every...
Why Healing is Always Possible?

Why Healing is Always Possible?

Why Healing is Always Possible? Why can the most dangerous illnesses be healed? Here is the scientific fact: every seven years we have a new body of cells. The human body continuously regenerates...

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6 Blockages that Stop Your Intuition…

6 Blockages that Stop Your Intuition…

The most common intuitive blocks are: ■ 1. Religious block. It is when people have been taught to believe in a powerful authoritarian God outside the human body. People start to believe that the...

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