14 Signs That Indicate You Have a Healing Gift.

What are the signs that you possess a healing gift?
Many people ask me to define the criteria for an innate healing ability, which I can summarize here.

1. You feel extreme empathy for others.

2. You experience others’ emotions and pains as physical sensations in your own body.

3. People often tell you that it’s soothing and safe to be around you.

4. You create an atmosphere of bliss and safety, and those around you rarely get sick.

5. You have a history of being diagnosed with anxiety or panic disorders, but you have managed to find positive meaning in these experiences and move beyond them.

6. You have been diagnosed with a mood disorder but have found the capacity to overcome it.

7. When you are around certain people, do you feel drained? (This is a sign of empathy.)

8. Have you ever felt that someone was staring at you? (This is a sign of high sensitivity.)

9. Have you ever felt an instant liking or disliking for someone? (This is a sign of intuition.)

10. Have you ever been able to sense how someone is feeling despite how they were acting?

11. Have you ever sensed another person’s presence before actually seeing or hearing them?

12. Do certain sounds, colors, and fragrances make you feel more comfortable or uncomfortable?

13. Do some rooms make you want to stay or leave?

14. Have you ever ignored a first impression of someone, only to find it eventually proved accurate?

All the signs above indicate that you have an innate healing talent that, like any talent, needs to be developed. I invite you to join my Intuitive Healing Practitioner 11-week course to become a healer and medical intuitive. You can read more about the course here: Intuitive Healing Practitioner course.