This poem is meant for you!
I wish for you this Christmas to realise that the place where you are now, is the place where God/ Universe wants you to be. Make the most of now, and enjoy what is before you. Then, you’ll finally be able to connect the reasons, why certain things happen in your life. All your hurts are meant for you to understand things, and have feelings for others, treating them with compassion and love, so you can reach out to those who feel the same as you do. How can you relate to people if you have never felt the same? The place where you are right now, God has circled on a map for you….

The Place Where You Are Now
by Hafiz

This place where you are right now
God circled on a map for you.
Wherever your eyes and arms and heart can move
Against the earth and the sky,
The Beloved has bowed there –
Our Beloved has bowed there knowing
You were coming.

I could tell you a priceless secret about
Your real worth, dear pilgrim,
But any unkindness to yourself,
Any confusion about others,
Will keep one
From accepting the grace, the love,
The sublime freedom
Divine knowledge always offers to you.
Never mind, Hafiz, about
The great requirements this path demands
Of the wayfarers,

For your soul is too full of wine tonight
To withhold the wondrous Truth from this world.
But because I am so clever and generous,
I have already clearly woven a resplendent lock
Of his tresses

As a remarkable truth and gift
In this poem for you.

Translation by Daniel Ladinsky, The Subject Tonight Is Love