Many people ask me how to stop absorbing the energy of others to prevent feeling drained and overwhelmed by others. Being an emotional empath and a medical intuitive I have learned to practice compassion but at the same time stay detached from the energy of others. This way helps me assist people in need but at the same time keep my energy field strong and whole.
Let’s look at the techniques that help you keeping your energy strong and whole:

1. Focus on your breathing, not on the other people. Connect to the middle of your body and follow your breath as it goes in and out of your body. When anxious, people tend to hold their breath. But to protect your energy you should do the opposite: breathe deeply and consciously.

2. Shield yourself by visualizing a golden shield around your body which protects your energy and repel negativity. You can also visualize you are sitting in a golden egg.

3. Meditate regularly, every day for 30 minutes. You can also practice short 2 min meditations during the day when you just sit, close your eyes and connect to the middle part of your body sensing your subtle body energy. Subtle body energy feels as tingling or crawling sensations in your limbs or any body parts.

4. Use water to remove the negative energy from your body. Wash your face, wash your hands or have a shower if possible and visualize the negative energy being washed away.

5. Burn a candle or incense for purification of space. As you know, all churches and temples use candles and incense to purify their space.

6. Stop thinking about the negative people and negative energy. By thinking about them you give them more power. Say an affirmation: “I am strong and powerful in my own right. I grow stronger and stronger every time I detach from the energy of others.”

7. If possible, break contact with an energy vampire. For example, you’re chatting with a person you’ve just met and you start to feel energetically depleted. Here’s how to tell if you’re being drained: Don’t hesitate to politely excuse yourself; move at least 6 meters from them (outside the range of his energy field). If you receive immediate relief, that means you were energetically drained. Most people are oblivious to how their energy impacts others. Even energy vampires–people who feed off your energy to compensate for the lack of their own – are not intending to drain you but nevertheless they do… Watch out for them and politely try to break contact with them.