Personal Power is one of the most important things for creating good health, changing your life and healing an illness. Most people who I meet on my path as a healer ask the same question: “How can I increase my Personal Power?”

Here is the answer:

The most reliable and important way to increase your personal power is to recognise when and how you start to lose your power in the first place: to things (e.g. addiction/habit), anyone (e.g. relationship), anywhere (e.g. being in a specific situation at work) and anytime.

It is about your capacity to say “Just stop for a second…” … and to stop haemorrhaging – plug up the hole that is the cause of the problem. That is the most effective way you can prevent something from eventually becoming an illness. Not just an illness, but stop it becoming a situation in which you become psychically and emotionally powerless, and you find yourself in a situation where you can’t make any decisions anymore, you can’t get clarity, you’re losing yourself, you’re losing your focus…

When you puncture yourself you develop wound anchors – anchors to your relationships, to your past, to your habits, to the society, to the authorities, and to your mindsets that come from all of these.

Here is an explanation to help you:

for every anchor you have – you create a psychic weight. The more psychic weights you have, the longer you have to wait for anything to happen. So, a psychic weight is equal to how you create your relationship with time. The more anchors I see in someone – the longer it takes them to heal anything, the more time it will take them to create anything. And they are less likely to have synchronistic experiences, because they have too much psychic weight.
They are just too weighted down.

They may say “I have this vision, I want this to happen, I am envisioning this, I am envisioning that …” What I have to do to help, is to see how many anchors they have to their past, their relationships, their bad habits, addictions etc.. . The thing is I know that they will not be able to pull it off, unless they release the anchors (their psychic weight).

For example, you go to a doctor and the doctor says “Here, take this medicine for 6 weeks” – this to a patient translates subconsciously into – you will be sick for 6 weeks, here is your anchor, you believe it as it comes from an authority. This psychic weight the doctor has given you will keep you sick for at least 6 weeks….
People, who operate in timelessness (a state of being one with them-self, already a self healer) don’t have a lot of anchors, so time doesn’t apply to them in the same way. Time just moves faster for them because they’re psychically light. These are also the individuals who are more likely to heal an illness. To be able to heal illnesses that are advanced or those considered incurable, you need to get rid of all the anchors (psychic weight) that keep you tied down in old patterns.
The most reliable way to do this is to recognise when and how you START to lose your power (energy) to anything, anyone, anywhere and at any time… and stop your haemorrhaging – plug up that hole.