When I talk about intuitive ability, people imagine widely differing ideas about what “intuitive” means. Some people think that it includes extraordinary talent to know all things at all times. Others think it’s like having X-ray vision. Some people think it gives you the ability to know the future or the past. Some people believe it means seeing ghosts or talking to dead people. Some people think it’s a great power.

Intuitive ability can mean different things to different people. So let me begin by explaining what I mean when I say “intuitive ability”. For me, being intuitive means the ability to sense energy which is around us and inside us. It is the ability to look at someone and see what energy they carry inside and who they really are and recognise their soul. It is the understanding that our true essence is energy, and that our physical body is our instrument to express this energy, just like a piano is an instrument to express music. The piano is a tool for music expression, but without a skilled pianist, the piano may sit silent.

The same is true for people. We are here on Earth to realise and express our divine energy. Our body and mind are our instruments of expression. The ability to sense energy is inborn but many people have lost it because we are programmed to use logic instead of intuition. But with a bit of training this ability will come back to you. I guarantee!!!

Look at your life experiences and you’ll find that you have already felt energy many times, (but maybe didn’t pay enough attention to value it).

  1. When you are around some people do you feel drained?
  2. Have you ever felt that someone was staring at you?
  3. Have you ever felt instant liking or disliking for someone?
  4. Have you ever been able to sense how someone is feeling, in spite of how this person was acting?
  5. Have you ever felt a ‘gut instinct’ regarding what’s ailing a person?
  6. Have you ever been able to sense another person’s presence before you actually heard or saw this person?
  7. Do certain sounds, colours and fragrances make you feel more comfortable or uncomfortable?
  8. Do you find that some people excite or energise you more than others?
  9. Have you ever walked into a room and tightened up, fidgeted or felt angry? Do some rooms make you want to stay? Leave?
  10. Have you ever ignored or shoved aside a first impression of someone, only to find that it bears itself out eventually?
  11. Are some rooms more comfortable and enjoyable to be in than others? Do you notice how your brother’s/sister’s room feels different from yours? How about your parents’ or children’s?

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions – you have experienced the energy of other people. With more training and practice you will begin to feel more subtleties in other people’s energy including the subtleties in your own energy. With training you will become more and more intuitive.

Therefore, listening to your body messages helps us to safe (and restore) our health, our relationships, our happiness and even save lives.

Do you want to become an Intuitive Healing Practitioner? Click here to learn about the Intuitive Healing Practitioner training ….